Visit OK Cash Network: A Glimpse into the Multi-chain Ecosystem

Okcash News
Published in
2 min readApr 11, 2024


In an effort to enhance transparency and accessibility within the OK Cash ecosystem, we’re excited to introduce the new website. This platform is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of OK Cash’s presence across various blockchain networks, detailing the circulation of OK Cash, locked quantities, and much more.

Simplifying Access to OK Cash Information

The is a straightforward, user-friendly portal where anyone can quickly grasp the scope of OK Cash’s integration across the blockchain landscape. From Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain to emerging networks like Avalanche and Polygon, the site tracks key data including smart contract addresses, total supply, and network-specific circulation figures.

Enhanced by HyperBridge v2 Integration

A highlight of the is its showcase of OK Cash’s collaboration with HyperBridge v2 by Spherium. This integration brings OK Cash to the forefront of decentralized bridging solutions, employing LayerZero’s technology to facilitate secure and efficient asset transfers between chains. HyperBridge v2’s advanced features ensure that OK Cash users enjoy a seamless experience when navigating the multi-chain environment.

Commitment to Transparency and User Empowerment

At its core, the is more than just a data repository; it reflects our commitment to help maintain an open and transparent OK Cash ecosystem. By consolidating key information in one place, we empower users with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions and participate fully in the OK Cash community.

Invitation to Explore

We invite everyone, from seasoned OK Cash enthusiasts to newcomers curious about the project, to visit Explore the multifaceted world of OK Cash, understand its circulation across different blockchains, and discover how innovations like HyperBridge v2 pave the way for a more interconnected and efficient DeFi space.

This initiative is just one of the many steps we are taking to ensure OK Cash remains at the cutting edge of blockchain technology and DeFi innovation. Stay with us as we continue to build, innovate, and expand OK Cash's reach across the digital asset ecosystem.

Visit today and be part of the evolving story of OK Cash in the multi-chain universe.



$OK • Leading eco-friendly multi-chain P2P cash since 2014. Max supply of 105M. Mined, stakeable, no ICO. Driven by volunteers, just like Bitcoin. #web3 + #NFTs