Now you can trade OK • Okcash on Uniswap
Now you can trade OK on Uniswap at the different pairs:Uniswap Ethereum Network: OK/USDC Polygon Network: OK/USDC is now listed over Uniswap, providing more availability for different users and tools for decentralized finance.Anyone can trade OK over Uniswap, or can add liquidity to the pairs or create new OK pairs and earn the fees of the trades!This gives more choices for the OK users to put their OK to work, same as for traders, providing more places for OK arbitrage and availability.Uniswap is a leading decentralized crypto exchange that runs on the Ethereum blockchain.Uniswap infoThe vast majority of crypto trading takes place on centralized exchanges such as Coinbase and Binance. These platforms are governed by a single authority (the company that operates the exchange), require users to place funds under their control and use a traditional order book system to […]