Wrapped Okcash BSC is now listed in tip.cc | OK
OK is now listed in tip.cc, the most popular tipping bot for Discord. 29,913+ Discord servers run tip.cc, where you can tip over 12 million members.What does tip.cc brings to the OK communityFun and gamesEngage with other users or friends in games like airdrops, rains, trivia, ‘guess that tune’, and other, crypto-powered games!Multiple cryptocurrencies supportedtip.cc gives you one wallet to use with over 500 cryptocurrencies.Trader’s and miner’s toolstip.cc provides plenty of tools for traders, miners and cryptocurrency lovers in general.Free to useTips and airdrops are completely free of fees! Transfer coins to other users without worrying about network fees.Easy to useWe made crypto payments simple for even non crypto-savvy people, see tipping guide to see how easy tipping is.Instant deposit & withdrawalsWe give you a native wallet-like experience with instant deposits and withdrawals. You can even use tip.cc as your […]