Okcash is now listed at STEX, The Smart Token eXchange
okcash @ stexOkcash is now integrated into STEX! STeX is an abbreviation for Smart Token Exchange, STEX is an innovative cryptocurrency trading platform with a focus on initial coin offerings and altcoins.STeX main goal is to solves liquidity issues using a wide array of unique high frequency trading algorithms that were initially designed for the traditional stock exchanges like the ones in New York City, Tokyo and London. Using these algorithms, STeX can complete high trade volumes in lightning speed.OK/BTC Market at STeX:https://app.stex.com/en/trade/pair/BTC/OKLearn more about STeX:https://www.stex.com/Learn more about Okcash:https://okcash.co/Some of STeX cool features99.999% AvailabilityHot and Cold StorageFinancial StabilityAndroid and IOS AppsTrading View chartsExcellent support team