Okcash • OK is now available over MDEX
OK is now listed on MDEX over the Binance Smart Chain network.Now you can trade OK on MDEX and over the OK/BUSD pairs at:https://bsc.mdex.com/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x523821d20a283d955f6205B4C9252779Cd0f964B&inputCurrency=0xe9e7CEA3DedcA5984780Bafc599bD69ADd087D56What Is Mdex (MDX)?Mdex is the abbreviation of Mandala Exchange, which is a decentralised exchange platform. It aims to integrate the useful features of different chains and create a high-performance decentralised Defi ecology. This ecology aims to integrate a decentralised exchange (DEX), an Initial Model Offering (IMO), and a Decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO).It has been installed on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and the Huobi Eco Chain (HECO). However, users can use the MDEX Bridge to make cross-chain transactions on BSC, HECO and Ethereum. Moreover, Mdex provides a one-stop solution for liquidity services. It uses a unique automated market maker to maintain liquidity.These liquidity services are used for high-quality assets. As such, it provides users with safe, reliable, […]