StealthEX Interview with Oktoshi, Lead Dev of Okcash
Last time we launched the series of interviews with enthusiasts who stays behind cryptocurrencies. Today we continue with Oktoshi, anonymous Lead Developer of Okcash.What are the mission and vision of Okcash?The main mission of the Okcash project is to empower its users while being energy friendly and sustainable, evolve with positive innovation and decentralization; to give the power to the user and help advance crypto forward. Okcash does it by offering long-term staking (year 2148), low fees and high transaction speed through a unique LTSS system.The OK movement mission is to help change the world with positive innovation.The Okcash vision is to become a user friendly, fast, reliable, self-sustainable and enviable secure network that will draw users from the conventional financial systems as well as other networks.It means to provide users a cryptocurrency they deserve (speed, security, efficacy) and can […]