Okcash is now integrated to Social Send + Exchange —Send Okcash over social networks and more!
Okcash is now integrated to the Social Send Platform and Social Send Exchange, Send and Receive Okcash over Twitter, Discord, Facebook and more Social Networks!Okcash @ Social SendWhat is Social Send?Social Send is a blockchain project advancing cryptocurrency into social networks. A simple and universal integration system with end result user experience in mind.Sending and receiving Okcash and different cryptocurrencies on any social network is now achievable with only a novice level of expertise. It is so easy the user may not even realize they are utilizing blockchain technology.SEND’s goal is to be the catalyst that takes cryptocurrencies into the hands of the masses.Okcash + Social Send = More power for the users!With this integration, both Okcash and Send users get empowered by the adoption and embracing of the blockchain tech!Now you can Send and Receive Okcash across different social networks, Save Okcash on […]