Okcash • OK is now available on BakerySwap
OK is now listed on BakerySwap over the Binance Smart Chain network.Now you can trade OK on BakerySwap over the OK/BUSD pairs at:https://www.bakeryswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x523821d20a283d955f6205B4C9252779Cd0f964B&inputCurrency=0xe9e7CEA3DedcA5984780Bafc599bD69ADd087D56What is BakerySwap (BAKE)?BakerySwap is the first AMM and DEX with an open-source and decentralized structure based on blockchain technology. It combines NFT features with tools available on DeFi platforms to enable users to swap tokens easily and promptly.Unlike some other DEX platforms, BakerySwap doesn’t integrate order books into the system, so the platform enables exchanging and swapping tokens against liquidity pools instead of between sellers and buyers. In essence, BakerySwap is hosted on the Binance Smart Chain as a decentralized application with a specific utility. BakerySwap also hosts a launchpad and an NFT marketplace where users can easily buy and sell non-fungible tokens.BAKE is the platform’s BEP-20 governance token, which means it’s supported by BSC. BAKE is […]