OK is now listed on BiSwap over the Binance Smart Chain network.
Now you can trade OK on BiSwap over the OK/BUSD pairs at:
Biswap is a new DEX with a strategic investment from Binance Labs. The Dex has unique features that make the exchange special, such as low fees (almost non-existent) and a referral system.
Biswap has been making a name for itself and its BSW token in Binance Smart Chain in the past few months.
The decentralized exchange appeals to over 21,000 active user wallets every week, with a total value of over $310 million.
Biswap is considered the first decentralized exchange platform on the market, along with a 3-type referral system and the lowest platform transaction fees (0.1 percent).
They are a decentralized exchange platform intended for swapping BEP-20 tokens on the Binance Smart Chain network. That network assures top-notch speed and lowers network transaction costs.
BiSwap Exchange offers a wide array of features to its users. Some of them are the following:
Learn how to use BiSwap with this series of short tutorial videos:
Learn more about OK:
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