
OK • Okcash is now listed on KyberSwap Elastic

OK is now listed on KyberSwap over the Avalanche network.

Now you can trade OK on KyberSwap and get the best price over the OK/USDC pairs at:

Kyber Network is a decentralized protocol built on Ethereum. It’s deployed on multiple Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible chains, such as Polygon, BNB Chain, and Avalanche.

Founded by Loi Luu and Victor Tran, Kyber Network is a liquidity hub that aims to make DeFi trading more efficient and cost-effective. Kyber Network’s main product is KyberSwap, a decentralized exchange (DEX) that allows users to trade tokens and earn rewards by providing liquidity.

What is KyberSwap?

KyberSwap is the flagship product powered by the Kyber Network. Built on Ethereum, KyberSwap is a multi-chain decentralized exchange (DEX) that allows users to conduct transactions on any of its 12 supported networks, including Ethereum, Polygon, BNB, Avalanche, and Optimism.

KyberSwap is also an aggregator, meaning it sources liquidity not only from its own pools but also from over 67 DEXs across its supported networks. Similar to other DEXs, KyberSwap is a trustless trading platform, which means users have complete control over their orders and funds. KyberSwap aims to solve the liquidity challenges that many DeFi traders encounter every day, while also providing adequate rewards for liquidity providers (LPs).

How does KyberSwap work?

KyberSwap is split into two main protocols: Classic and Elastic.

KyberSwap Classic’s Dynamic Market Maker (DMM) protocol is a modified version of the traditional Automated Market Maker (AMM) model used by UniSwap and other DEXs. It is DeFi’s first market maker protocol that dynamically adjusts LP fees based on market conditions. When the market is too volatile, fees increase to better reflect the risks involved in each trade. When the market is stable and volatility drops, fees decrease. The DMM automatically recalculates fees by analyzing on-chain volume data for each liquidity pool.

KyberSwap’s newest protocol, dubbed KyberSwap Elastic, is a tick-based AMM with concentrated liquidity. Users can add liquidity to a specific price range of their choice and receive an NFT that represents their liquidity position and their share of the pool.

Learn how to use Kyberswap Decentralized exchange with this tutorial:

Learn more about OK:

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